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# 3 Part-A (Verse Numbers, Subjects, and Approximate Times)

Part-A    Part-B    Part-C    Part-D    CHRONOLOGICAL MAIN PAGE


                       JN 1:1  

  In the beginning, the Word;  Jesus is the Word       
                       JN 1:2-3               Jesus made all things  
        MK 1:1   Introduction  
                LK 1:1-4   Introduction  
                LK 1:5-17

  An angel appears to Zechariah

                LK 1:18-23   Zechariah doubts  
                LK 1:24-25

  Elisabeth conceives

                LK 1:26-38

  An angel sent to Mary

                LK 1:39-41

  Mary goes to the house of Zechariah

                LK 1:42-45   Elisabeth prophesies  
                LK 1:46-56   Mary’s soul magnifies the Lord  
                LK 1:57-66

  John the Baptist born

                LK 1:67-79   Zechariah prophesies  
MT 1:1   The genealogy of Jesus Christ  
MT 1:2-1:17

  The genealogy of Jesus Christ, from Abraham to Jesus  
                LK 3:23 (Pt 2)-38   The genealogy of Jesus, from Joseph to Adam  
                       JN 1:4-5   Darkness does not comprehend light  
MT 1:18-24   An angel appears to Joseph  
                LK 2:1-6 Bethlehem Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem JUST PRIOR TO THE BIRTH OF JESUS
MT 1:25   Joseph knew her not  
                LK 2:7   BIRTH OF JESUS 0 DAYS
                LK 2:8-20   The shepherds and the angels  
                LK 2:21   The circumcising of the child 8 DAYS
                LK 2:22-24 Jerusalem Jesus brought to Jerusalem; A sacrifice offered 40 DAYS
                LK 2:25-35   Simeon prophesies  
                LK 2:36-38   Anna, a prophetess  
MT 2:1-12 Bethlehem The wise men 1 YEAR
MT 2:13-18 To Egypt Flight to Egypt  
MT 2:19-21 To Israel From Egypt to Israel 2 TO 4 YEARS
MT 2:22-23 To Nazareth Joseph and Mary return to Nazareth  
                LK 2:39   Joseph and Mary return to Nazareth  
                LK 2:40   The child Jesus grew UP TO 12 YEARS
                LK 2:41-50 To Jerusalem Jesus and His parents go up to Jerusalem 12 YEARS
                LK 2:51-52


Jesus subject to His parents; The childhood of Jesus  
                LK 1:80

  John grew; The childhood of John

                LK 3:1-2 (John) Wilderness of Judea The Word of God came to John 29½ YEARS TO 30 YEARS
                       JN 1:6-18   John came to bear witness of Jesus  
MT 3:1-6   John Baptist—Prepare ye the way  
        MK 1:2-6   John Baptist—Prepare ye the way  
                LK 3:3-6   John Baptist—Prepare ye the way  
MT 3:7-10   Warning to the Pharisees  
                LK 3:7-10   Warning to the Pharisees  
                LK 3:11-14   People ask John, “What shall we do?”  
MT 3:11-12   John teaches on the coming of Jesus  
        MK 1:7-8   John teaches on the coming of Jesus  
                LK 3:15-18      John teaches on the coming of Jesus  
MT 3:13 (Jesus) From Galilee to the Jordan River Jesus comes to John 30 YEARS
        MK 1:9 (Pt 1)   Jesus comes to John  
MT 3:14-15   John wanted to be baptized  
MT 3:16-17

  Baptism of Jesus & the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus  
        MK 1:9 (Pt 2)-11

  Baptism of Jesus & the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus  
                LK 3:21-22

  Baptism of Jesus & the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus 30 YEARS (cont'd)
                LK 3:23 (Pt 1)   The public ministry of Jesus  
MT 4:1 The Wilderness Jesus led by the Spirit into the wilderness  
        MK 1:12   Jesus led by the Spirit into the wilderness  
                LK 4:1   Jesus led by the Spirit into the wilderness  
MT 4:2-4   Jesus fasted and tempted 40 days 30 YEARS TO 30 YEARS PLUS 40 DAYS
        MK 1:13   Jesus tempted 40 days  
                LK 4:2-4   Jesus fasted and tempted 40 days  
MT 4:5-7   Jesus tempted to throw Himself down 30 YEARS PLUS 40 DAYS
                LK 4:9-12   Jesus tempted to throw Himself down  
MT 4:8-10

  Jesus tempted with being given the world’s kingdoms  
                LK 4:5-8

  Jesus tempted with being given the world’s kingdoms  
MT 4:11   The devil let Him alone  
                LK 4:13   The devil let Him alone  
                       JN 1:19-28 Bethany, east of Jordan They asked John, "Who are you?" 30 YEARS PLUS 60 DAYS
                       JN 1:29   Jesus comes to John after having fasted  
                       JN 1:30-31   John bears record to the priests that this is He 30 YEARS PLUS 61 DAYS
                       JN 1:32-34   John continues to bear record to the priests  
                       JN 1:35-42   Andrew, Simon, and perhaps a third person 30 YEARS PLUS 62 DAYS
                       JN 1:43-51


Jesus goes into Galilee; Meets Philip and Nathanael 30 YEARS PLUS 63 DAYS
                       JN 2:1-11 Cana Jesus’ first miracle—the water to wine 30 YEARS PLUS 64 DAYS
                       JN 2:12 Capernaum Jesus goes to Capernaum 30 YEARS PLUS 2½ MONTHS
                       JN 2:13-25 Jerusalem Jesus cleanses the temple 30 YEARS PLUS 6 MONTHS (Around Apr)
                       JN 3:1-14   Jesus teaches on being born again  
                       JN 3:15-16   God so loved the world  
                       JN 3:17-18   Condemnation without believing  
                       JN 3:19-21   Men loved darkness because  
                       JN 3:22 Countryside of Judea Jesus came to the countryside of Judea 30 YEARS PLUS 7 MONTHS
                       JN 3:23-28 Aenon, near to Salim John the Baptist testifies about Jesus  
                       JN 3:29   Rejoices greatly because of the Bridegroom’s voice  
                       JN 3:30-36   Humble  
                       JN 4:1-2   Jesus knew the Pharisees heard  
                LK 3:19   John reproves Herod  
                LK 3:20   John locked up in prison  
MT 4:12 Galilee, but through Samaria Jesus goes into Galilee  
                       JN 4:3   Jesus goes into Galilee  
                       JN 4:4-23 Through Samaria The Samaritan woman 30 YEARS PLUS 8 MONTHS
                       JN 4:24-42   God is a Spirit  
MT 4:17   Jesus preached repent  
        MK 1:14-15 To Galilee Repent and believe the Gospel  
                LK 4:14-15   Jesus returned into Galilee  
                       JN 4:43-54   Nobleman’s son healed  
                LK 4:16-21 To Nazareth Jesus read in synagogues at Nazareth 30 YEARS PLUS 9 MONTHS
                LK 4:22-30   Jesus rejected at Nazareth;  Jesus escapes  
MT 4:13-16 To Capernaum Jesus dwelt in Capernaum 30 YEARS PLUS 10 MONTHS
MT 4:18 Beside the lake of Galilee Jesus saw Peter and Andrew  
        MK 1:16   Jesus saw Peter and Andrew  
                LK 5:1-3 By the lake of Gennesaret Jesus taught the people  
                LK 5:4

  Jesus tells Simon to launch out and let down his net  
                LK 5:5-7 On the lake Simon makes an excuse but obeys  
                LK 5:8-10   Simon fell down at Jesus’ feet  
MT 4:19      Jesus tells Simon and Andrew to follow Him       
        MK 1:17

  Jesus tells Simon and Andrew to follow Him       
MT 4:20 Beside the lake of Galilee Simon and Andrew forsake everything  
        MK 1:18   Simon and Andrew forsake everything  
                LK 5:11   Simon and Andrew forsake everything  
MT 4:21-22   Jesus saw James and John 30 YEARS PLUS 10 MONTHS
        MK 1:19-20   Jesus saw James and John  
        MK 1:21-22 To Capernaum Jesus to Capernaum and taught  
                LK 4:31-32   Jesus to Capernaum and taught  
        MK 1:23-28   Unclean spirit cast out  
                LK 4:33-37   Unclean spirit cast out  
MT 8:14-15   Peter’s wife’s mother healed  
        MK 1:29-31   Peter’s wife’s mother healed  
                LK 4:38-39   Peter’s wife’s mother healed  
MT 8:16-17   Many healed  
        MK 1:32-34   Many healed  
                LK 4:40-41   Many healed  
        MK 1:35-38   Jesus went to pray  
                LK 4:42-43   Jesus went to pray  
MT 4:23-25

To Galilee-cities and towns

Jesus preached and healed in Galilee

        MK 1:39   Jesus preached in Galilee  
                LK 4:44   Jesus preached in Galilee  
MT 8:2-4   Jesus cleanses a leper 30 YEARS PLUS 10 MONTHS
        MK 1:40-45   Jesus cleanses a leper  
                LK 5:12-16   Jesus cleanses a leper  
MT 9:1-9:8   Man with the palsy healed 30 YEARS PLUS 11 MONTHS
        MK 2:1-12   Man with the palsy healed  
                LK 5:17-26   Man with the palsy healed  
MT 9:9-13   Matthew (Levi) called 31 YEARS
        MK 2:13-17 Beside the lake Matthew (Levi) called  
                LK 5:27-32   Levi called  
MT 9:14-15   Jesus asked about fasting 31 YEARS PLUS 2 MONTHS
        MK 2:18-20   Jesus asked about fasting  
                LK 5:33-35   Jesus asked about fasting  
MT 9:16-17   Parable of the new cloth and new wine 31 YEARS PLUS 4 MONTHS
        MK 2:21-22   Parable of the new cloth and new wine  
                LK5:36-39   Parable of the new garment and new wine  
                       JN 5:1-16

To Jerusalem

Jesus goes to Jerusalem; A man healed at the pool 31 YEARS PLUS 6 MONTHS
                       JN 5:17-18   The Son’s relationship with the Father  
                       JN 5:19-47

  Jesus proving who He is to the blind believers  
MT 12:1-8 Through the corn fields Picking corn on the sabbath day 31 YEARS PLUS 7 MONTHS
        MK 2:23-28   Picking corn on the sabbath day  
                LK 6:1-5   Picking corn on the sabbath day  
MT 12:9-14 Into the synagogue The withered hand healed on the Sabbath day  
        MK 3:1-6   The withered hand healed on the Sabbath day  
                LK 6:6-11   The withered hand healed on the Sabbath day  
MT 12:15-16 Jesus withdrew from that area Many healed  
        MK 3:7-12 Jesus withdrew to the lake Many healed  
MT 12:17-21   Isaiah’s prophecy of Jesus  
        MK 3:13 (Pt 1) Jesus went up to a hillside Isaiah’s prophecy of Jesus  
                LK 6:12   Jesus went into the hill country         Jesus prayed      
        MK 3:13 (Pt 2)-19   The twelve apostles chosen  
                LK 6:13-16   The twelve apostles chosen  
                LK 6:17-19 Jesus came down the hill Many healed  
MT 5:1-12

Jesus went up on a hillside

The sermon on the mount (Mt 5:1-7:29); Blessed are 31 YEARS PLUS 9 MONTHS
                LK 6:20-23

  The sermon on the mount (Lk 6:20-6:49); Blessed are  
                LK 6:24-26   Woe unto you  
                LK 6:27   Love your enemies  
                LK 6:28   Bless them that curse you  
MT 5:13   You are the salt of the earth  
MT 5:14   You are the light of the world  
MT 5:15-16   Let your light shine before men  
MT 5:17-18   The Law  
MT 5:19   Breaking the least of these commands  
MT 5:20   Righteousness must be greater  
MT 5:21-22   Warnings regarding what you do and say  
MT 5:23-24   Warning—.first be reconciled to your brother  
MT 5:25-26   Settle matters quickly,  Pay your debts  
MT 5:27-28   Looking on a woman to lust is adultery  
MT 5:29-30   If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out  
MT 5:31-32   Divorce and adultery  
MT 5:33-36   Make no oaths at all  
MT 5:37

  The tongue—Let your yes be yes and say no more  
MT 5:38-39

  Born again attitude—Resist not evil; Turn cheek  
                LK 6:29   Born again attitude—Turn the other cheek  
MT 5:40-41   Born again attitude—Do more than required  
MT 5:42

  Born again attitude—Give to the one that asks  
                LK 6:30   Born again attitude—Give to the one that asks  
                LK 6:38   Born again attitude—Give and it shall be given you  
                LK 6:39   Can the blind lead the blind?  
MT 5:43-45   Born again attitude—Love your enemies  
                LK 6:35   Born again attitude—Love your enemies  
MT 5:46

  Born again attitude—If you love them, what reward?  
                LK 6:32

  Born again attitude—If you love them, what reward?  
MT 5:47

  Born again attitude—If you do this, what reward?  
                LK 6:33-34

  Born again attitude—If you do this, what reward?  
                LK 6:36   Born again attitude—Be ye merciful  
MT 5:48   Be ye perfect  
                LK 6:40   To be perfect is to be like his master  
MT 6:1-4   Born again attitude—Alms  
MT 6:5-8   Born again attitude—Prayer  
MT 6:9-13   The Lord’s prayer  
MT 6:14-15   Forgiving  
MT 6:16-18   Born again attitude—Fasting  
MT 6:19-21   Treasure in heaven  
MT 6:22-23   The evil eye  
MT 6:24   You cannot serve God and money  
MT 6:25-34

  Take no thought for these; trust in God to provide  
MT 7:1-2   Judge not, so you won’t be judged  
                LK 6:37   Judge not, so you won’t be judged  
MT 7:3-4     The beam in your own eye    
                LK 6:41-42 (Pt 1)   The beam in your own eye    
MT 7:5   The spiritual can see clearly  
                LK 6:42 (Pt 2)   The spiritual can see clearly  
MT 7:6

  Warning—Give that which is holy to the dogs  
MT 7:7-11   Ask, seek, knock  
MT 7:12   How to treat others; This is the law  
                LK 6:31   How to treat others  
MT 7:13-14   The straight gate  
MT 7:15   Watch out for false prophets  
MT 7:16-18

  A tree is known by its fruits; The heart and the mouth  
                LK 6:43

  A tree is known by its fruits; The heart and the mouth  
MT 7:19-20   By their fruits you shall know them  
                LK 6:44   By their fruits you shall know them  
                LK 6:45   Out of the mouth comes forth good or evil  
                LK 6:46   Lord, Lord  
MT 7:21-23   Lord, Lord; Many, many, many will perish  
MT 7:24-27

  The rock and the sand; The wise and foolish builders  
                LK 6:47-49

  The rock and the sand; The wise and foolish builders  
MT 7:28-29   He taught them as one having authority  
MT 8:1 Jesus came down from the hill He taught them as one having authority  
                LK 7:1 Jesus returns to Capernaum He taught them as one having authority  
MT 8:5-13 Jesus entered into Capernaum The Centurion’s servant healed  
                LK 7:2-10   The Centurion’s servant healed  
                LK 7:11-17 To Nain Widow’s son raised  
MT 11:2-6

  John the Baptist sends his disciples to ask about Jesus 31 YEARS PLUS 10 MONTHS
                LK 7:18-23

  John the Baptist sends his disciples to ask about Jesus  
MT 11:7-15   Jesus speaks of John  
                LK 7:24-28   Jesus speaks of John  
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